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Efizol 40 Tablets - For Sore Throat


COMPOSITION: Medicinal substances in one lozenge: Dequalinum chloride 0.25 mg; Ascorbic acid 30 mg Excipients: glucose, saccharin sodium, pectin, vanillin, sucrose, cocoa, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate.
PHARMACEUTICAL FORM AND PACKAGING: Lozenge, 20 pieces in PVC blisters / para. foil, 1 blister in a single cardboard box.
ACTION: Efizol acts locally antiseptic, disrupts the development of various types of microorganisms, especially purulent causes, including some strains insensitive to antibiotics. It also has antifungal activity (candida, some epidermophytes and trichophytes). It destroys the causes of infections by affecting the formation of proteins, enzymes and damaging their cell membranes. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) thickens the walls of blood vessels, reduces their permeability, the possibility of bleeding and edema. It has an anti-inflammatory effect.
CONTRAINDICATIONS: Hypersensitivity to the medicinal and / or excipients of the product
SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS FOR USE: Due to the lack of analgesic component in the product, its use is not appropriate in inflammatory processes accompanied by severe pain. In the presence of basic clinical symptoms, the appointment of systemic antibacterial treatment is necessary for the spread of the infection. If any side effects occur, Efizol should be discontinued and other treatment instituted. Concomitant use with other topical products should be performed with caution and at the discretion of the treating physician. Despite the low sugar content, the use of the product in diabetics should be done with caution in monitoring blood sugar levels. If there is no improvement or worsening of symptoms, a doctor should be consulted.
DRUG AND OTHER INTERACTIONS: No data on drug and other interactions. Severe necrotic damage to the skin and mucous membranes, especially in the gastrointestinal tract, is likely to occur when co-administered with Kayexalate (a product used in elevated blood potassium levels).
WARNINGS FOR SPECIAL GROUPS OF PATIENTS: The product is not suitable for children under 4 years of age due to the risk of the tablets getting into the airways.
APPLICATION FOR PREGNANT WOMEN AND BREASTFEEDING: Due to its low toxicity and lack of serious side effects, it can be prescribed during pregnancy and lactation.
EFFECTS ON THE ABILITY TO DRIVE AND USE MACHINES: No evidence of adverse effects on attention, concentration and motor reactions.
Apply 1 lozenge every 2-3 hours (not more than 8-10 tablets in 24 hours). The tablets are not chewable. Half an hour after taking them, the patient needs to refrain from eating and drinking. It is recommended to continue treatment for 1-2 days after the symptoms of the disease have subsided. The total duration of treatment should not exceed 5-7 days (risk of disrupting the development of normal bacterial flora in the oral cavity and throat).
Overdose: There are no data on overdose with the product.
SIDE EFFECTS: The product is well tolerated, does not irritate tissues and no serious side effects have been reported. Rarely may cause nausea and vomiting; very rarely allergic reactions, burning and irritation or dryness in the oral cavity; disruption of the development of normal bacterial flora in the oral cavity with prolonged use.
STORAGE: Store in a dry and protected from light place at a temperature below 25 ° С. Keep out of reach of children!
SHELF LIFE: 3 (three) years from the date of manufacture.

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